Tag Archives: Apps

Facebook Apps that read your data

When you share information with your friends on Facebook, every app that your friends use can access and use that information. Read this post for further information.

Of course it’s better to think of all your data on Facebook as public, but still it’s hard to accept to share data with apps you can’t control.

There’s a way to stop this flow, though. Go to your Privacy Settings and follow this path:

Privacy settings
Apps and websites : Edit settings
How people bring your info to apps they use : Edit settings

Here you can customize the information you share with other people’s apps. Other than that, you can just turn off all the apps:

If you don’t want apps and websites to access other categories of information (like your friend list, gender or info you’ve made public), you can turn off all Platform apps. But remember, you will not be able to use any games or apps yourself.

What’s so scary about Facebook?

UPDATE: News about business pages and Insights.

Frictionless experiences. With these words Zuckerberg described the future of FB at the F8 in San Francisco. Here’s a short list of what’s going on.

Timeline is the new Wall. It’s like the story of your life, but it’s currently being delayed due to copyright issues. The Open Graph news are stunning for a new generation of apps – here’s a showcase and yes, music will be available too.

Graph Rank is the underlying system that manages discovery of Open Graph activity around Facebook. It’s designed to give more prominence to engaging activity. This involves the new Newsfeed.

Some more:

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